US Senate Candidate Ron Johnson’s WisPolitics Appearance

A brief clip from Jeff Mayer’s introductory Q & A with Senate Candidate Ron Johnson. from Jim Zellmer on Vimeo.

Johnson faces Dave Westlake in the September Republican primary. The winner will take on 18 year incumbent Democrat Senator Russ Feingold.

In my humble opinion, should the November election turn on economic issues, the Republicans will win (Feingold’s 30 years in the political world is a liability in this scenario). On the other hand, should the election turn on debates, Russ will be tough to beat.

I hope we have a serious competitor to Herb Kohl…..

I attended a Senator Feingold WisPolitics appearance last fall.

I very much appreciate candidates and office holders taking questions from the public in such settings. I asked Ron Johnson a question on three of Senator Feingold’s votes: The 2004 5.25% offshore tax scheme for big business, the Patriot Act and the vote to kill Washington, DC vouchers.
Websites: Russ Feingold, Ron Johnson and Dave Westlake.