UW Grad Carol Bartz Offers Tech CEO Advice

Carol Hymowitz:

Carol Bartz has outlasted most CEOs of big companies. She has been chief executive of Autodesk for the past 14 years, when the median tenure is just five years. She led the Silicon Valley software company through economic ups and downs. In May, Ms. Bartz will relinquish her CEO post and become executive chairman. But her longevity as CEO gives her a rare perspective on what it takes to weather mistakes and business cycles and to be an agent of change.

Don’t rest on your honeymoon-period laurels.

When she first became CEO, Ms. Bartz joked that her task was “playing Wendy to the Lost Boys of Autodesk.” The company had one product, profits were sagging and employees, who brought their dogs and cats to the office, weren’t used to answering to anyone. Even by Silicon Valley standards, the atmosphere was chaotic, choking creativity.