The Lives We Live

Changing planes at O’hare recently, I stood next to an early 20’s woman trying to fly standby to Dayton, Ohio. I discovered that she structured work to support her travel wants.

My fellow traveller said that she joined the Air Force out of High School to “see the world”. The Air Force promptly sent her to Dayton, Ohio for the length of her tour. Now in the AF reserves, she works part time for United Airlines loading bags at the Dayton Airport and for the local Marriott hotel (also part time). These jobs provide incredible travel benefits – unless one cannot obtain a timely seat.

The recent fruits of her work?

  • 7 Days skiing in Switzerland while staying at a local Marriott.
  • A few days on Oahu, again at a Marriott
  • Hong Kong, checking out that city’s Marriott

I assume these benefits make up for the cold nights loading bags on to 737’s at DAY.

Merry Christmas!

Barry Ritholtz says stuff doesn’t make us happy.