The Sun Sets on the Airline Fee Splurge?

“That will be $25.00.”

I’ve been blessed to travel extensively. Events, weather and other issues may arise and require changes. For decades, one could often make a call or an in person request and a flight or schedule update was made.

The $25.00 fee for me, was the beginning of the end.

Up until a few weeks ago, airlines seemed to master fees for everything from a boarding pass, assigned seats to schedule and price changes and of course additional fees for frequent flyer tickets.

That $25.00 moment remains etched in my memory. Delta’s customer service agent delivered it quickly and professionally. She responded to my request for waiver with “those fees pay my bonus”. I marveled at the organizational skills required to make the fees for everything business model stick.

Yet, I wondered when the airline fee house of cards might crumble. The organizational, training and software complexity required to support fees for everything is substantial. Increasingly cramped planes have further reduced the air travel allure.

Today, zoom’s (video communication app) market capitalization is $29.7B, exceeding Delta’s 24.55B, United’s $10.32B and Southwest’s $21.35B.

There is no substitute for face to face meetings, imho. That said, augmenting experiences and relationships with FaceTime, zoom, amuz and other digital services is here to stay.

Perhaps we may arrive at a more citizen friendly balance between fees for everything air travel and pure digital services.

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