Stephen Wildstrom: Microsoft to the Rescue???

Stephen Wildstrom argues, incorrectly – that Microsoft will ride to the rescue and “save us” from incompatible music formats (Apple uses a format called Fairplay, Microsoft uses a proprietary format called Janus, while RealPlayer’s is Helix and Sony’s is known as ATRAC). All of these formats include DRM (digital restrictions management): software techniques to limit our fair use rights.The very last thing we need is for Microsoft to own the electronic music distribution format. Who can forget their famous statement vis a vis Netscape “Cut off their air supply“. A Microsoft controlled music format means no more MP3’s which are playable on a very wide variety of devices.
Wildstrom should listen to and understand Larry Lessig’s recent Bloggercon session. Microsoft worked with Orrin Hatch (a formerly hostile senator) to push the absurd Induce Act through congress, further eroding our rights (but for, as Lessig says, the right to hire a lawyer). Anyone with a clear understanding of Microsoft’s history with proprietary formats and API’s would not support their controlling electronic music distribution. Make no mistake, there’s a real battle going on and presently Apple is winning (the iPod still plays MP3’s….)