No child left behind – Ro vs. Lantos

Larry Lessig posts on a recent debate between California 12th District incumbent Democrat Tom Lantos and challenger Ro Khanna. The debate included a discussion of the No Child Left Behind Act (google) (teoma) (alltheweb) (yahoo).
And here’s a link to one of my favorite exchanges. Ro criticizes Congressman Lantos for supporting the “No Child (except public school childred) Left Behind Act.” Just “talking to teachers,” he says, would have told you that Act wouldn’t work. In classic DC style, Lantos’ response: Ted Kennedy supported it, so it is “outrageous” for a “newcomer” to criticize what people who have “devoted their whole life to education” say. Ro is cut off in his reply: “I’m assuming that teachers who have devoted their whole life to education know more…”