iPod users are “thieves” – Microsoft’s Ballmer

Andy McCue:

Billing Microsoft as the good guys and Apple the villains of the piece – at least as far as corporate America, rather than users, is concerned, Ballmer said: “We?ve had DRM in Windows for years. The most common format of music on an iPod is ‘stolen’.”
“Part of the reason people steal music is money, but some of it is that the DRM stuff out there has not been that easy to use. We are going to continue to improve our DRM, to make it harder to crack, and easier, easier, easier, easier, to use,” he said.
However, Ballmer conceded it isn’t going to be an easy battle to win. “Most people still steal music,” he said. “We can build the technology but there are still ways for people to steal music.”

Microsoft would rather that we have only one choice – their DRM (Digital Restrictions Management Software). Learn more about DRM here…..