Businesses Fight Wisconsin’s “Unlimited” Jury Awards

JR Ross:

Businesses are preparing to launch a $2 million campaign to fight a series of state Supreme Court rulings they fear are making Wisconsin an easier place to sue doctors and manufacturers.

They want lawmakers to counter some of the rulings with legislation, and, they say, they want to educate voters on what they calls one justice’s “votes in support of frivolous lawsuits.”

Wisconsin implemented several laws in the mid-1990s in an attempt to limit jury awards for such non-economic damages as pain and suffering in malpractice and liability cases.

But last month, the state Supreme Court threw out the limits on medical malpractice awards. The next day, it cleared the way for a Milwaukee teen to sue several makers of a lead paint pigment his attorneys claim made him mentally retarded – even though they can’t prove the manufactures had any ties to the paint that may have sickened him.