Wisconsin Press Gives Kohl a Pass?

Joel McNally asks some timely questions about the mainstream media’s coverage (or lack thereof) of Senator Kohl (and Feingold, frankly):

It would be remarkable for any local sports owner to be protected by such a shield of invisibility, but it is nothing short of astounding when the owner also happens to be one of the state’s top elected officials. It’s not as if the press doesn’t know where to find the guy. He has a public office in Washington, D.C. And when he’s in Milwaukee, he eats breakfast almost every morning at Ma Fischer’s restaurant.
It has to be a conscious decision on the part of reporters not to ask Kohl questions about anything he’d rather not talk about.

There are actually a number of important votes that our media should be asking both Senators about.

Why do they run from these stories? McNally raises some very interesting questions. Read the whole thing.