“Spoiled Tuna”

“Sudden Debt”:

Have you noticed how even Presidential races have now been reduced to dollar figures? I don’t mean the effect that money has on shaping political agendas and voter perceptions – this has been going on since at least the time of Pericles. I am referring instead to the assessment of candidates’ appeal to voters based on how much money they have raised in their election “war chests”. Hillary is deemed to be the frontrunner because she has raised X million dollars more than Barack, who is ahead of John Edwards and so on and so forth. This is so much like the order book of an IPO (initial public offering), for chrissakes. The more orders that flow in during the book-building period the better the chances that the issue will be “hot” and open for trading at an immediate premium. Hillarydotcom and Barrackdotcom.