Bill Steinberg on the Katrina Debacle

My good friend Bill Steinberg has published, via business partner Mark Baker a very useful look at the leadership vacuum that is the Katrina Response:

so for the mayor, the governor, the president and how many of the president’s men, those so-called law-makers on the hill, what goes around, comes around, we’re still left with the same unanswered question, how could you be so ___ stupid? all will ask ‘what happened?’ only so long as it takes them to find out who’s to blame – then they’re done learning anything from it that will give us a different outcome the next time it happens. and, as someone once said, doing the same things but expecting a different outcome is the definition of insanity. welcome to ‘one flew over the cuckoo’s nest.’ keep everyone sick, it’s easier to get them to do what you want them to do that way.