McCain Fights for Our Rights – Are Kohl & Feingold MIA?

I wonder how our Senators (Feingold & Kohl) respond when the MPAA and RIAA lobbyists stop by? Do they think about our fair use rights, like John McCain? McCain put a stop to H.R. 4077 because of valid concerns about whether the freedoms it granted (to enable parents to filter “smut” from films) would be read to deny fair use in other cases (note that the MPAA and RIAA are masters of wrapping their rent taking strategies in the flag). Via Lessig

Gartenberg on DRM

Michael Gartenberg takes a look at Digital Restrictions Management (DRM):

The issue of DRM has been raised again in recent weeks when Apple ?broke? a popular utility that allowed users to bypass the DRM built into the iPod and allowed copying from the iPod to a PC. Consumers, the argument goes, are against any DRM for their media and will not buy protected music.

10 Reasons to Shy Away From Venture Capital

Peter Ireland on antiventurecapital:

The decision to chase venture capital is often a tempting distraction from the much more complex and important entrepreneurial tasks of creating something to sell and persuading someone to buy it. The pursuit of venture capital is sometimes a means by which to postpone the day of reckoning when the marketplace finally decides if the idea will fly.

Wisconsin Institution for Discovery

Nathaniel Liedl on Governor Doyle’s plans to build a $375M research institution on the UW Campus:

The facility would include specialists in biochemistry, nanotechnology, computer engineering and bioinformatics, which would ease collaboration between scientists of different backgrounds, Doyle said during the press conference.
According to UW Chancellor John Wiley, the facility would occupy the entire block between University Avenue, West Johnson and North Charter streets and North Randall Avenue.
?We are replacing one of the ugliest blocks on campus,? Wiley said during the conference.
The Psychology Department will likely be moved to Sterling Hall. The UW Physical Plant would be relocated to the space Lot 51 currently occupies.

Michael Porter: Solving the Health Care Conundrum

Harvard Strategy Guru Michael Porter on Solving the Health Care Conundrum. He summarized some key learnings here:

  • The U.S. health care system is a paradox in that it has competition yet fails to deliver improving value.
  • The root cause of these problems is that the competition taking place has been the wrong kind.
  • The key to addressing these problems is moving to value-based, positive-sum competition.
  • Moving to value-based competition has important strategic implications for providers as well as health plans and employers.