Frontline: Tax Me if You Can

PBS’s Frontline has an interview with Robert McIntyre, Director of the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy regarding Federal Tax Policy.
Our current tax system is a mess, with many special interests (ethanol, SUV’s) feeding at the trough.
Business Week had an interesting article recently on the “fairness” of the current tax system (including the controversial Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) implications on middle income Americans).
A friend thinks we’re better off taxing everything at the cash source….

WSJ on MMSD Teacher Buyouts

s objectionable as the idea is, buying off terrible teachers often works better than firing them.
Many times, settlements save taxpayer money and more effectively protect students. But the Madison School Board went too far last week in giving superintendent Art Rainwater sole authority to flash cash to settle employee misconduct cases.
A 4-3 board vote allows school administration to, in essence, pay teachers to quit – without board discussion or approval.
Opinion Page: Wisconsin State Journal