Jim Zellmer,

Captain Dan's Eco-Tours
Kona, Hawaii
Many people dream of starting and running their own business. A much smaller number actually do it. A smaller number still make things work for a period of time. A yet smaller number make a great living with their businesses (I define a great living as having fun, leading a reasonably balanced life and earning enough money to make it work).

I've been at the small business gig for over 9 years directly and 20 indirectly. During that time, I've read a number of pundit's take on entreprenuers (My wife says it best: "the only thing more overrated than owning your own business is natural childbirth"). The most informed writers argue that you should never, ever start a business to get rich. Rather, follow your passion.

Dan McSweeney understands passion.

Captain Dan's Eco Tour gives tourists like me an opportunity to see whales and dolphins off the Big Island of Hawai'i.

Dan and his coworkers have refined their tours into a well oiled, highly enjoyable 2.5+ hour journey. Here's how:

Whether biotech, agribusiness, information technology, education, manufacturing, services or the arts, entrepreneurs face a myriad of challenges in the field of their choosing. Dan McSweeney is a great example of one person who chose to chase his dreams. More power to him. We had a wonderful time on his boat. Mahalo.

December, 2004

Jim Zellmer
send comments, updates or questions to zellmer at mac dot com

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